Symposium fee
Category | Early bird Until Feb 17, 2020(23:59,JST) |
Standard Rate Until Feb 18, 2020(23:59,JST) |
JSKE Member | 35,000 JPY | 40,000 JPY |
Non Member | 43,000 JPY | 48,000 JPY |
Student | 20,000 JPY | 25,000 JPY |
For those who wish to attend the conference, on-site registration is available from 09:00 March 15(Sun.),and 16(Mon.), at the 1st flower, at the reception, Kogakuin Univertsity, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
“ Symposium fee” includes the followings:
- Admission to the Plenary Sessions.
- Admission to all technical sessions and rump sessions from March 15 to March 16.
- Papers which will be provided by a J-STAGE (No printed copy).
Cancellation Policy
- All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing (email:isase2020(at) to conference secretariat. A cancellation fee (up to 1 month the cancellation would be 50%) will be applied for all cancellation request received on or before Date: Feb 17, 2020.
- There will be no refund on cancellation received after this date. All refunds will be made after the conference. All bank charges, including intermediate bank commission for cancellation refunds, must be covered by the participants/applicants.
How to Register
“Registraion” for ISASE2020 will be closed on January 1, 2020
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