
International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering

About Journal

Publishing on J-STAGE

J-STAGE is an electronic journal platform for science and technology information in Japan

External data services linked to J-STAGE

J-STAGE has formed networks with a range of external science and technology information and scholarly information services to provide readers on J-STAGE the seamless experience of gathering information and improve the visibility the articles published on J-STAGE.

Owing to the partnership with Japan Link Center (JaLC), the research papers published on J-STAGE are cross-linked to papers on various worlwide scholarly information services through PubMed, CAS FullTextOptions, and Crossref in reference linking and cited -by linking.

The full-text articles on J-STAGE can also be linked from major database services and search engines such as Google and Scopus via our data linkage.

Subject Area
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Earth Sciences and Astronomy
  • Biology, Life Sciences and Basic Medicine
  • Agriculture and Food Sciences
  • General Medicine, Social Medicine, and Nursing Sciences
  • Clinical Medicine
  • Dentistry
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Engineering in General
  • Nanosciences and Materials Sciences
  • Architecture and Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Information Sciences
  • Interdisciplinary Sciences
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Editorial Board